The kiss of the Father is a like divine kiss planted on the cheek of humanity. It is a metaphorical idea that images the deep love and affection of the Father. God is a unique Father who is smitten with us, His children. He is not the stoic, impassive type father who keeps His children at arm’s length, requiring them to earn His favour. Rather He nurtures and cherishes us, drawing us close to His heart. Although the kiss of the Father is a figurative way of describing God’s affection, His kiss has been felt across the universal family of humanity.The kiss of the Father is like a million raindrops landing on our cheeks as He affectionately demonstrates His love. It is a kiss that signals we belong to this benevolent Father. The kiss of the Father is the most powerful kiss a Father can bestow upon a child. It is a sacred, present, and eternal kiss that is indelibly left on the cheek of our souls. Most importantly, the kiss of the Father is not a pointer to the child. The child is not the focus of the kiss. The child is the beneficiary. The kiss of the Father is a pointer to the Father. His kiss is an action that points right back at the perfect love and acceptance of this faultless Father, who places an unbreakable seal of love over our hearts, securing us as His children.

The entire story of Scripture captures how God has kissed humanity. The Father kissed us at creation, at the height of our rebellion, at the cross, in the resurrection, in our salvation and He kisses us as a daily expression of His devotion, tenderness and love. We see a beautiful picture of the impact of the kiss of the Father in Luke 15:20 when we read about the prodigal son. The father had been watching for his son and when he saw him at a distance, he didn’t just stand there, hands on hips thinking “I’m going to wait for that boy to crawl his way through the dirt to me and then I’m going to teach him the lesson of the century”. Rather, he was struck with compassion. That father ran like the wind to the son, embraced him, kissed him and restored him and his privileges as a son. The kiss of the father was a powerful expression of utter love and acceptance. It left the son in no doubt to the status of his sonship. We learn from this story that the kiss of the Father is never determined by circumstances or the state of the heart. It is a kiss we never need to solicit or at any moment become eligible for. The rebellious son in this story was never not the son of the father and the father was always going to embrace and kiss his son. So too, the kiss of the Father in our story will always be the expression of His unsurpassed love and adoration as He runs to us, gathers us up in His arms and kisses us. Can you feel it? Can you feel the kiss of the Fathertoday?

So, friends, get your “Father’s kiss” on today.


Best days to come.