The Bible and Our Schools


Let’s first of all agree that this is an area of school life that is not dealt with as well as we would like. There is a sense of dissatisfaction for all sorts of reasons.

Let’s look at some of those reasons.

Firstly, I observe a lack of COHERENCE.

There is not a clear understanding amongst teachers and staff as to the important of Biblical literacy in the school community. So, when we begin discussions, we become side-tracked by fundamental questions such as:

To what degree is it the school’s role to develop Biblical Literacy; isn’t that the role of the church and the family?

We come from different denominational backgrounds, whose theology do we emphasise?

Should Biblical Studies be a special curriculum, or should it be incorporated into all subjects?

Should all teachers (and even staff) be involved with Biblical Studies teaching, or should we see it as a specialist area?

These, and others, are legitimate questions, but we often use them as roadblocks rather than resolving the questions and moving forward.

Secondly, we readily admit to a lack of COMPETENCE, which is connected to a lack of CONFIDENCE.

Many teachers and staff feel that they lack the level of Biblical understanding to competently teach others. There is a degree of embarrassment. So, this coupled with the previously mentioned issue of lack of COHERENCE, can put the brakes on developing an effective approach.

The third issue that I note is CAPACITY. Where do busy teachers find the time to develop their understanding, devise curriculum and provide space in the timetable for actual teaching of Biblical Studies?

What is the relative importance of Biblical Studies when our daily schedules are packed with curriculum requirements determined by external bodies to who we owe major accountabilities?

It looks as though the problems are becoming insurmountable . . .

If we do not establish an interesting, rigorous, and engaging approach to the Biblical narrative, young people will be insecure when they experience various difficult situations and will have nowhere to turn for help.

