Hello Everyone

Your Cantus Firmus. Say what? Our Mum was a brilliant piano teacher and pianist. My music lessons with her were a delight, as she invited me into the world of music through her exquisite imagination. Whenever she played the piano her music always told a story. However, to learn to play music, it also required my Mum to teach me the technical side of music such as musical symbols and language. One of the terms I learned was cantus firmus, which means a main melodic theme in a score of music that is always recognisable no matter how it is played.

A cantus firmus or a main theme of music is always used in the motion picture industry as it helps to tell the story of a movie in a more meaningful way. Throughout the movie, if the main melodic theme changes tempo and becomes slow, chaotic, fast or vivacious or if the style switches to jazzy or classical, or the mood is playful, melancholic, suspenseful, dramatic or enchanting, the cantus firmus remains recognisable as it drives the storyline and influences how people engage with the script. As an example, think of your favourite blockbuster movie. There is always a main musical theme – can you hear it? Mine is Star Wars. No matter what part of the story is being acted out, when the main musical theme is played, it is consistent throughout the movie, even though it is expressed in varying styles, paces and intonations. It is always unique and defining for that particular story. That is the cantus firmus.

As Christians we must always remember that the cantus firmus or the main theme of our lives must be Jesus. No matter whether the melody of life is being played in a fast tempo of busyness and pressure, or on the notes of discorded conflict, or at a playful pace of peace and pleasure, or in the minor keys of pain, the main theme must always be recognisable as our lives are played out on the grand piano of life in God’s great concert hall, so those attending the concert of life will know with delight, clarity and assurance what the storyline is and be able to identify the main melodic theme as Jesus. Jesus is the unique, main defining theme of the Christian story. As His representatives, and with Jesus as our main theme in all our seasons, people can engage more meaningfully with the script of faith. So, how’s your cantus firmus of faith? Can others identify the main theme, Jesus, in our lives no matter what the tone, style or tempo is?

So, friends, get your “cantus firmus” on today.


Best days to come.