I can’t seem to leave Truth alone!

TRUTH “Sanctify them by the truth; Your word is truth.”

John 17:17




Our whole lives – words, decisions, thoughts, attitudes, desires, actions, character – are to correspond to the Truth. This can only fully happen as we are “in Christ” and “Christ is in us”. In other words when we inhabit the truth and are inhabited by the Truth.

Truth then, is first of all a person (I am the way, the TRUTH. . .) – Jesus Christ – therefore “Truthing in love” is primarily relational rather than legal.

Just as we have the Truth of Christ in us because he “inhabits” us; we are to bring truth to the world which we inhabit. Paul tells us.

“For it is God Himself whose power creates within you the desire to do His gracious will and also brings about the accomplishment of the desire”. [1]

So, does this mean that Christians know all truth and thus can live in truthful purity?

Unfortunately, the answer is “No”. We simply cannot know ALL truth; else we would indeed be God Himself.

We may know truly, though not exhaustively; truly but not completely.

Does this mean only Christians can know and be the truth? Again, the answer is No. Despite sin, every human person bears the image and imprint of God. There is some knowledge of the truth in every single person because each is made in God’s image and lives in His world which speaks His truth.

This means that we can encourage the values of Integrity, Honesty and Excellence in our community members because of their image bearing nature.

We should provide many opportunities in our communities to demonstrate, acknowledge and be grateful for these values.


[1] Philippians 2:13