17. Essential Components of the Faith Journey

Christian faith is a gift of God which informs, and gives meaning, to everything.

In our encouragement of faith development, we must be holistic, addressing the whole person.

What might some of these things look like?

We need to encourage an increasing knowledge of the complete Biblical Narrative leading to an understanding of the Triune God through Christ. (Knowledge, Understanding, Wisdom).

We need to model and foster a deep devotion to the pre-eminent Christ who restores us to the Father by the power of the Holy Spirit (Relational Connection).

We need to assist in developing an understanding that all things have their origin, purpose, and destiny in God. The Christian faith is a complete world and life view (Permeative and Holistic).

“The Christian mind remains unsatisfied until all of existence is referred back to the Triune God, and until the confession of God’s Trinity functions at the centre of our thought and life.”[1]-Herman Bavinck

We need to embolden our young people to be responsible and responsive disciples of Christ leading to acts of humble service and respectful, redemptive engagement. (Action and Service).

We need to enable an understanding that the Deep Needs such as Meaning, Identity, Purpose, Contentment, Freedom, Hope can only be found in relationship with the Triune God (Personhood).

We need to provide space and opportunity to question, express doubts, critique and grow without judgement (Responsibility).




[1] Bavinck, H. (2004) Reformed Dogmatics, 2:330.  Grand Rapids: Baker Academic.