Hello Everyone

Bragging about our Daddy. I was recently walking through my local parkland and as I passed two little girls playing, I could not help but tune into their conversation. One little girl was proudly bragging about her daddy, giving credential after credential about her hero dad. Not only did this little girl brag about how wonderful her dad was and how much he loved her, she boasted about how good he is at cricket and his job and how he can lift heavy things and build things out of Lego. The list was endless. According to her description, no other father could ever hold a candle to her daddy. This little girl had pinned a supreme badge of super dad on her daddy’s shirt and nothing was going to stop her bragging and boasting about him as her undefeated champion. She painted such an incontestable picture of her daddy that I found myself thinking, I really want to meet this dad.

I was reminded that we also have a Daddy; a Dad who holds the position of unrivalled, unflawed, ultimate, Father. He permanently takes out the award of Father of the Universe with incontestable credentials. 1John 3: 1. I wonder if we are found bragging about our Daddy the way this little girl did? Are we boasting about our Father whose very heart pulsates with perfect love for His children? Are we bragging about His credibility and His character credentials? Are we unashamedly telling people our Daddy loves us unconditionally, accepts us unreservedly, holds our hurting hearts in His merciful hands, teaches us, equips us to reach our God-given potential, listens to our chatter, hears our cries, wipes our tears, makes us smile, speaks into our pain, comforts us, tells us stories from His special story book, keeps us company, protects us, fights off our tormentors, leads us, believes in us and showers us with gifts. Oh, and then He crowns us daily with His goodness and drapes His robe of righteousness around us. He trumps all other fathers because He holds the position of perfect Father. We get to brag about our Daddy because He is really good at His job and He hold so many hats. He is an artist who exquisitely paints the sky at sunset for us every day in gloriously, blended colours. Every night He captivates us by stretching out the sparkly stars like a string of diamonds in His hands. Every morning He lights the day by lifting up the sun and every night He hangs the moon out as a beautiful bright light in the darkened sky. We are bragging about our Daddy because He is so talented at making things. He creates life, making people and animals and lots of enchanting creatures. He is the Grand Gardener and the flowers He plants for us transform into bouquets of popping colour. Our Daddy has created the most beautiful home for us, and He has promised us that one day we will go and live in His eternal mansion where He has paved the streets with gold. God is everything and more that our earthly fathers aren’t, and He outstrips the best fathers on earth. We boast about our Daddy when He earnt His stripes as our ultimate Father by sacrificing Himself when He came to our rescue after that nasty enemy tried to snatch us from His hands. He loves us so much He was willing to die for us and every single day our Daddy autographs our lives with his love, writing over our lives in His Royal blood ink and marking us as His. Now that’s a Dad worth bragging about and as we are bragging about our Daddy, perhaps we will find that others will want to meet our Dad and find Him to be an irresistible Father.

So, friends, get your brag on today.


Best days to come.