14. Faith and Growth Development (Part Two)

We are continuing to consider ways that faith might develop in young people. How do we not just prevent young people from disconnecting but how we might help them to find true meaning and joy in a relationship with the Triune God through Jesus.

We are considering the example of Westerhoff’s stages of development.

The first stage is assuming and adopting the faith of our parents.

He suggests that the second stage of development is about joining groups and experiencing a sense of belonging. This involves wanting to do things with others. It’s the time when children join sports teams, sing together, play group games.

We need to provide multiple opportunities for experiencing awe, wonder and mystery and chances to sing, dance, paint, and act together.

Our children want to be involved in all sorts of things. They need to participate in group activities. The desire to feel wanted, needed, accepted and important to the community is of crucial importance. Children begin to develop empathy with others; they begin to understand what it means to belong to God, His world, and His church family.

It is the time when parents and educators need to encourage making good relationships, loving neighbours, and showing compassion for others in need. It is important to encourage a mind-set and practice of serving others.

Faith development is by association with extended family, friends, church, school, teachers.

Our children begin to think: “This is what we believe and do. This is our group/community. My Identity is connected to belonging”.

These stages of faith development also apply to development generally. How are we as families and educators moving our children along from simply mimicking what we do in a relatively unthinking way, to contributing and receiving. How do we pro-actively provide meaningful opportunities for community engagement, with a growing sense that God cares for His Creation and desires our involvement?
