3. Hallmarks of a School being like a Family

We have suggested that an understanding of God’s design and purpose for family and for community will influence how we see our schools might operate.

We have mentioned that some of these characteristics of family include security, love, challenge, serving, discipline, nurture, hospitality and much more

Way back in 1999, I was attending a conference in Adelaide, when I heard a comment about Family and Christian Community that has stuck with me ever since.

People in families and communities need:

To KNOW and to be KNOWN

To LOVE and to be LOVED

To SERVE and to be SERVED


(Conference, 1999)

These four aspects reflect some of the ways that God relates with His people.

Let’s take a quick look at the first idea that we need to ‘know and be known’.

Paul is discussing the Fatherhood of God and our sonship when he says: “But now that you have come to know God, or rather to be known by God …”

He is pointing out that our basis of knowing God arises from His initiative. Further, that God has known us before we were born (Jer 1:5) and this knowledge is intimate and total (Ps 139). This realisation that God knows us fully and completely then becomes the secure basis from which we can seek to know God.

I remember going out for lunch with one of my sons during a period where he had made some questionable decisions and engaged in some poor actions. Towards the end of the conversation, I asked whether there were any other things he wanted to talk about. He replied, “Dad, there is nothing in my life that you don’t know about.”

I asked him, “How do you feel about that?”

His response “Totally secure!”

“To be loved but not known is superficial. To be known and not loved is our great fear – but to be known and loved, that transforms you.” (Tim Keller, 2020)





  1. Keller, T. [@timkellernyc] (2020, January 11) “To be loved but not known is superficial. To be known and not loved is our great fear – but to be known and loved, that transforms you.” [Tweet]. https://twitter.com/timkellernyc/status/1215653022421999616