Welcome to Teachers Talking for 2022.  As the new year invites us to new opportunities, let us begin with a deep sense of gratitude to the Lord for His loving presence with us as we walked the difficult journey of the past year.  For some, you are commencing your teaching vocation, for others you are beginning in a different school and finally others, you are continuing in your current schools.

The reality of the pandemic and its effect on the lives of our students also revealed the impact of the teachers’ dedication, as they cared for and supported them.  Many families have testified to the difference the love of school communities made in the time of lockdown.  They provided a fixed anchor-point in a time of confusion and challenge.  Students’ lives need to take root in the rich, relational soil of a school community, where they can see embodied what faithful lives look like and encounter teachers who love them, as they enact a larger story of divine hope.

We know that teachers are dedicated to their God-given calling, and, in the midst of the daily routines and demands of teaching, Christian teachers can struggle with what it means to express the deeper purpose of education in practise.

Our aim is to bless, inform and encourage teachers in their tasks.  This year, the theme for The Excellence Centre is Hope with Belief, for the hope we offer to students is in the abiding reality of the person, Gospel work and grace of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ.

To this end, during Term 1, the Teachers Talking offerings will focus on our theme.  We trust these talks will assist you to engender a sure hope in your students as you unfold God’s Word to them through your lives and teaching practice.

“Make your face shine upon your servant and teach me your decrees”. Psalm 119:135