Hello Everyone

Jesus invades and pervades in our brokenness and mess. It is hard to image Jesus, the eternal, King of all Kings, Creator of all, the only holy, pure, and perfect person, who dwells in unapproachable light (1 Timothy 6:16), entering into the mess and brokenness of our humanity. Yet it is into that very space that Jesus invades and pervades. In fact, Jesus went to astonishing lengths to invade our ruptured world and to bring hope to our contorted humanity. He left the limitless expanses of His dwelling and the perfect, untainted community of the Trinity and invaded the time-bound dimensions of our blemished world and the mess of our brokenness. In John 1 we read about the identity and credentials of Jesus. In pondering the immensity of this reality, we are left a gasp as to the depths of love that caused Him to take such radical measures not only to invade our mess but to pervade in it.

In reading the story of Jesus throughout the Gospels, we see the impact of Him invading our world and the sacrifices He made to redeem the treasures of His creation. We realise that His miraculous invasion through the incarnation, led Him to the undeserved, brutal, and agonising place of the cross where He became utterly broken on our behalf. Yet His victorious resurrection, means He also pervades. In other words, Jesus did not only invade our mess to teach us a few good moral lessons, only to die on the cross to end the story. His invasion and resurrection guaranteed His ongoing pervasion in our lives as He permeates, transforms, and restores us to His original creative design. Through the invasion of Jesus, we get a glimpse of our true humanity and a glimpse of life as God intended it to be lived. The reality that Jesus invades and pervades brings a solace to our souls; that somehow in all our offensiveness to this perfect Saviour, through this extreme act of love we always have hope because His invasion also guarantees His pervasion.

So, friends, get your “Jesus invades and pervades” on today.


Best days to come.