Hello Everyone

It is written. Some of my godsons loved to play the role of warrior lords, wielding their mighty little swords on their imaginary battlefields, defeating, and slaying their enemies. Every time their swords struck something with a winning blow, the victorious sound effect of clashing steel would ring out and the imitation ruby gemstone on the handle would light up red signalling their conquests. They had a little saying “long live the King”. Triumph was consummate in those words as they fought in the authority of their imaginary king and by the power of their wielded swords. In the life of faith, we are called to consummate triumph, as we step on to the spiritual battlefield proclaiming it is written, using the sword of the Spirit, God’s Word that has divine power to strike a victory blow and demolish strongholds. 2 Corinthians 10:3-5.

So, what is written? Every authoritative word of Scripture, forged into the mighty Sword of the Spirit. When we speak out the words of Scripture, declaring it is written we are making a declaration about who rules over all things and who has ultimate authority. That person is Jesus. He is supreme, victorious and is the final word on all things. Every word in the Biblical story points to Jesus. He was the Word from the beginning, the Word incarnate, and His written word enables those who belong to Him to imbibe His words and embody His power and authority as we wrestle against the powers of this world and the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. Jesus is also the living Word and we find him in the centre of this fight, where He stands with us and in us, before us, behind us, beside us and through us, empowering us to take up our swords; the Sword of the Spirit and declare it is written as we speak out the designated scripture verses over the battle we are facing. Jesus did the same when the enemy tried to engage Him on the battlefield of great temptation. Jesus did not engage but simply said “it is written” and exclaimed the powerful words of Scripture to disarm and defeat the enemy.

The enemy also uses words, but those words are not ultimate. His words are birthed from a kingdom of rebellion; a fallen kingdom that is built on lies and deception. The battle strategy of the enemy is to borrow God’s words, putting an untruthful spin on them as he tries to lure us into fields, supposedly full of gold. But no nugget of gold will ever be found in those fields of false promise. In fact, when these fields are uncovered, they are nothing more than lethal spiritual battlefields full of landmines designed to defeat us. Jesus leads us into fields of truth and arms us with the invincible Sword of the Spirit and reminds us to declare it is written, as we draw on the Word of God, bringing Jesus to bear on all things and Jesus always wins.

So, friends, get your “it is written” on today.


Best days to come.