Hello Everyone

Our champion defender. My sister and I loved the Rocky movies where the down and out boxer from the Philadelphia slums battled his obstacles and rose to the status of heavyweight champion of the world, the famous Italian Stallion. Champions of the earth come and go. They make their mark for a season, but their titles and trophies eventually fall. Psalm 62:2 says there is only one true everlasting champion defender and that is Jesus. Jesus alone weighs in as the heavyweight reigning Lord of the universe and He happens to be our champion defender. His title and position are and will forever be unchallengeable and He will remain eternally undefeated. His trophies: a rugged cross and an empty tomb are visible for the world to see in God’s Kingdom display case.

Life has a way of challenging us at times, where we find ourselves in the ring of adversity, fighting our opponents: sickness, loss, assault, depression, brokenness, and so many others that line up to take a shot. Some of the blows delivered to us can be savage, leaving us beat up, wounded, and feeling exhausted. We can be hit with such force and kicked to the ground, fearful of losing our titles and being knocked out of the fight. But Jesus is our champion defender, and He steps into the ring on our behalf. He fights for us, strikes back and always defends our title as children of God.

Don’t forget that Jesus knocked the enemy down, the one who challenged His title in the fight of the ages. He defeated His arch enemy who ended up disarmed and made a public spectacle of, shamed by the triumphant blow that Jesus delivered when God raised Him from the dead. In every fight, Jesus becomes our armour, and His victory is our victory. He imparts His knock-out strength to us. He fights with us, through us and for us with His wrap-around-arms that protect and shield us. He helps us get back up, puts the grit in our hands and leans in to help us endure the fight and defeat our challenger. When Jesus gets in the ring, we are more than conquerors because He is not just at the fight, He is the fight – Jesus is our champion defender.

So, friends, get your “champion defender” on today.


Best days to come.