Hello Everyone

Kingdom keys. When I turned 21 (just a few years back – ha), I was given a set of keys. This set of keys gave me rightful entry and access to all that was in the realm of our home and domain. When God gives us our Kingdom keys, he moves us out of the squalors of our spiritually desolate homes and into His glorious palace, our Kingdom keys permit us entry to His heavenly home where we have rightful access to His domain and all His resources. Shifting out of the rental property that belonged to the dark landlord of this world and handing him back the keys mean we are no longer required to pay his hefty rent and live by his harsh tenancy rules where he short-changes every occupant. The keys that access his realm rob us of all we were entitled to and if we don’t pay the rent, he hits us hard and shows no mercy. Eventually those keys cost us everything.

When God, the heavenly landlord adopts us as His sons and daughters He moves us into our new, royal home, in a brand-new suburb with an eternal address. We are granted Kingdom keys that enable us not only to move in but to access all the King intended to be rightfully ours. There is no rent due in our new home because the King Himself has paid the cost on our behalf. Even if we screw up, He never evicts us or changes the locks so we can’t get back in. The Kingdom keys He gives us always fit the lock and open the door.  It’s a pretty unique deal we get when we are given our Kingdom keys.

So, what do our Kingdom keys open? The first door the keys open is access to the King himself so we are no longer disconnected from Him (Romans 10:9). Another unlocks our true status and identity as God’s children and heirs (Romans 8:16-17). We get a makeover and are progressively changed into the likeness of our Maker (2 Corinthians 3:18). OurKingdom keys give us access to His throne room where we can drop in for a light-hearted chat, enjoy His presence or crawl into His lap when our hearts are hurt and torn. We don’t even need to knock on His door–we just walk on in (Hebrews 4:16). One of the Kingdom keys we will use over and over gives us access to God’s power and authority which we can use to disarm the dark landlord when he threatens our security or wages war against us (Philippians 3:10, Ephesians 6:10-17). We are given a key to our inheritance (Ephesians 1:14). Our Kingdom keys open the storehouse of God’s provision (Luke 122:22-31). When we take the Kingdom key that unlocks His protection, we are shielded from the evil one as we bunker down behind the Shield of Faith (2 Thessalonians 3:3). Then there is the Kingdom key that opens the door to the family of God where we enjoy the relationships of our brothers and sisters; we worship, serve, and encourage each other for the betterment of God’s Kingdom. Sometimes there’s a scuff in the family, but then there are keys that unlock the restoration of our unity. Whilst there are numerous Kingdom keys God gives us, there is one last key we all want and that key unlocks our eternal destiny, starting here on earth and continuing forever. See what a great deal we have by having the Kingdom keys in our possession?

So, friends, get your “Kingdom keys” on today.


Best days to come.