Hello Everyone

Only God sees around corners. I like to knit. I know, right? It’s funny, particularly for those who know me, but I find it therapeutic. I am probably one of the worst knitters on the planet. I have to watch YouTube clips to guide me, I get knots in the wool, drop stiches, and have no idea how to fix it and consequently have a few holes in the end product. Whilst I only knit squares, my enjoyment comes from using beautiful wool with diverse colours and textures. As I knit away (slowly), I am aware that the thread of the wool is continuously unravelling as I knit one stitch at a time and it forms a knitted square. I follow the pattern of “knit and purl” as the wool unravels, but I have no capacity to see what the square of knitting will look like until the strands of wool are on the knitting needle and the square of knitting is forming. It is like that with life. As the strands of life unfold, and I follow God’s pattern, I am not capable of knowing what life will bring because only God sees around corners.

We must remember that God is the master knitter. He was the first to knit anything. He knit me together in my mother’s womb and has been creating me as His special masterpiece from conception. Psalm139:13. Because only God sees around corners, it is a comforting thought that He knows every stich in my journey that will form the story of my life and He is managing all the threads to make a unique design. He takes the varying colours and textures that life offers up, and He knits them together to make me uniquely me. Becauseonly God sees around corners and I don’t, He is able to sovereignly guide every stich that is knitted into place. He sees every row or year of my days. He also knows every stitch that will be dropped. He sees every hole in my lifework. He fixes up my mistakes after I’ve done bodgy repair job. He knows what the end product will look like. He can take my train wrecks and knit me back together and recreate a different but exquisite life that is more reflective of Him. Psalm 147:3. The fact that only God sees around corners gives me implicit hope that when I turn a corner, He has already seen it, He is already there, and He lovingly waits for me to make the turn.

I’ve become more aware of how precious life is and how it can change in an instant. Because we cannot see around corners, we are often shocked with the changes that result from adversity. We’ve followed God’s patterns, but it does not guarantee a perfectly knitted “square” of life. One moment we are basking in the beauty of things and the next a hole appears because we have dropped some stitches. At times we must undo some stitching in order to start over. But this is done in the Master’s hands. God promises to take every knotted thread, every hole, every single strand and knit us back together. Only God sees around corners and that makes Him the master knitter; the One who sees what’s coming and the One who can do the mending job as required. Our lives in His hands are shaped by the promise that in all things He works for the good of those who love Him. Romans 8:28.

So, friends, get your “God stitch” on today.


Best days to come.