The God who sees. As a consequence of living in a fallen creation, there are times where we can feel unseen in the world, as though we are walking around in a cave of concealment where our life lamps seem like they’ve been trimmed, and no one really sees us. Sometimes we can be walking around in plain sight, yet we can feel invisible. Other times we think we’ve been seen until someone gets out their measuring tape of comparison and we are overshadowed by the top scores of others. We feel unseen.

To feel unseen can leave us feeling insignificant, disheartened, and disregarded. Whilst God has designed us as relational beings who should see each other through the lens of dignity, worth and significance, humans don’t always give recognition to the inherent value of others and make them feel seen, acknowledged, and validated. At this juncture, it is critical to stop and embrace the truth that it is not finally about being seen by others but seeing God and knowing we are seen by Him. That lens changes everything. It is only God who can determine our significance and we must never exchange this truth by placing a premium on the need to be seen and affirmed by people first. God is the God who sees and His validation of who we are and what we do is what ultimately counts.

God is the God who sees, and He sees us as if we were the only ones in His creation. Even though on occasions we take the slip road and buy into the lie that maybe God doesn’t really see us, the reality is God is never a disinterested old man up in heaven sitting on a royal rocking chair, periodically peering over His ‘Eternity News’ newspaper, taking an uninterested look at us, or feeling bothered when He hears our screams for help that may irritatingly interrupt His day. No! We are continuously on His radar. Psalm 34:15 says, “the eyes of the Lord are upon the righteous and His ears are open to their cry”. His eyes are locked on us, and we are never out of His gaze. The God who sees watches us every moment. He sees us masked and unmasked. He sees us in the desert lands of distress, in the sunrays of splendour, in the shadowlands of sadness, in the hills of heartache, in the closets of shame, in the abyss of betrayal and abandonment, in the light of laughter, on the platforms of performance, in the storms that saturate our souls, in the cervices of crisis, on the plains of plenty, in the gravel of grief fighting with grit, He sees us as the rare diamonds we are, shining in the magnificent mines of life. He is the God who sees. He saw you before you were formed in your mother’s womb, He sees you now and He sees you into eternity. The God who sees sees all of you in all of life.

So, friends, get your “God who sees” on today.


Best days to come.