In following this series, I think by now you’re probably seeing my pattern.  The values we wish to see in our school communities are informed by virtues which arise from the character of God.

Time to look at Faithfulness.

Faithfulness“The One who calls you is faithful and He will do it.” 
1 Thessalonians 5:24 

The first thing we need to say is that God is faithful to Himself; He is true and constant and trustworthy. He does everything for the glory of His Name. Just as we can say that God IS Love, we can say that He IS faithfulness.

The flow on to us is that when He calls us to something, His faithfulness to Himself and His call means that it will be done. Maybe not in the way we presume, but His purposes are sure.

It’s easy now to see how the values of commitment, cooperation and diligence flow from this virtue.

Commitment arises out of the faithfulness of the one who commits – it is not a transactional or conditional thing. Commitment comes from knowing the purpose and knowing the One who calls us to that purpose. Commitment means responsibility and loyalty; it means steadfastness and devotion.

Faithfulness is delivered via cooperation. God the Father is faithful in truth and intent; Jesus is faithful in obedience and sacrifice; the Spirit faithfully witnesses truth to us. The Persons of the Triune God cooperate (they simply cannot do otherwise) in their faithfulness; fully cooperating in Creation, in Redemption and in Sustaining.

Faithfulness causes diligence – the determination to continue and to keep going persistently. We must encourage, even insist, that all members of our community be diligent. This is a virtue characteristic that is often being neglected by parents and educators. We are living in a world where we prize ease and comfort. Diligence calls us to engage, to struggle, and to overcome adversity.

God’s FaithfulnessCommitment, Cooperation, Diligence

Again, as we seek to live out these values, we must be constantly pointing to the virtue that demands our response.
