Teachers Talking Term 3 (2023)

Introduction | The Courage to Discipline

Welcome to Teachers Talking for Term 3. Last term we explored the theme ‘Love Thy Neighbour’, where the essence of a learning community is its culture and the teaching and learning that are shaped by a true understanding and embrace of the love of Jesus. In this past six months there has been much media discussion around the record high loss of teachers to the teaching profession and the falling academic standards of Australian students. Education ministers have been interviewed about causes and solutions, but in those discussions, the ‘one elephant in the room’ that gets little attention is the disruptive nature of many classes where teachers find it difficult and stressful to discipline students, which is an act  of love, in a culture where the word ‘discipline’ is neither used, nor practised.  The nature of discipline can also be misunderstood in the Christian school, where it is only seen in a negative context to manage ‘sin’ and grace and justice appear to be in conflict.

The Bible makes it clear that godly discipline flows out of love (Hebrews 12: 5) and has, as its goal, the character formation of the one who receives it.  Parents and teachers who work in partnership with them Monday to Friday, are called to train our children and young people to grow in wisdom and live according to God’s design for their lives (Proverbs 22: 6).  Failure to discipline is actually a failure to love and to discipline is to nurture a safe and supportive school and class culture where all can flourish.

To this end, during Term 3, the Teachers Talking offerings will focus on the theme ‘The Courage to Discipline’.  The Scriptural principles of loving others (of which discipline is a part) are clearly stated in the Word of God, but living them out in a school community context can be a very complex, complicated and heart-wrenching  process. We will explore the nature of discipline and keys to implementing it effectively and practically in our classes in the complexities and challenges of 21st century living.

“My son, do not despise the Lord’s discipline and do not resent his rebuke, because the Lord disciplines those he loves as a father the son He delights in.” (Proverbs 3:11, 12)


Grace & Peace
The Excellence Team