Hello Everyone

God is our unshakable rock. As we scan the horizons of our lives, it feels like we are participants in a world that is spiralling out of control and being shaken fiercely. As the squeezing of our lives increases, we can feel like the pressure pump could crack us open any moment. Nothing feels the same, looks the same or works the same at this point in life. The globe is overshadowed by a virus that is like a savage dog, relentlessly nipping at our heels. If we don’t run hard, it might just devour us. We are weary and it just doesn’t feel good. If we get distracted and our feet land in the shaky grounds of a world that ebbs and flows to the rhythm of fear that is being driven by an insidious disease, then our sense of wellbeing and flourishing will be impacted. But God is the game changer, particularly when we feel the groundswell of fear in these turbulent times. God is our unshakable rock.

In Psalm 62:2 we read that God is our unshakable rock. He is never anything less, whether life is in full bloom or we are encountering seasons of adversity. Our awareness of God as our unshakable rock, however, seems to come into sharper focus when we encounter the tidal waves of trouble. When we take our eyes off the things that bend us and turn our eyes to God, God lifts us to a different height. He takes our feeble feet and plants them on a firm foundation, promising to be our unshakable rock. That changes everything. The things that make us waver give way to the unchangeable nature of God who is totally in control of every single circumstance of life, right down to the nano second (that’s one billionth of a second – got the picture?). God is our unshakable rock.

God is not shakeable. He is immovable and unchanging. God does not get caught in the vortex of disaster. He is sovereign and has His finger on the global pulse of life. God cannot crumble. There is no hairline fracture running through His character that will cause Him to crack. He is not subject to sickness or disease that will cause Him not to be. He is transcendent and eternal. He is unrestricted, uncontainable and all powerful. He will intervene in His perfect timing. He is the God of promise. He loves us intimately and unfailingly. All that God has ever been, He will forever be. This makes Him safe! It also makes us safe and we are stilled and consoled because God is our unshakable rock.

So, friends, get your “unshakable rock” on today.


Best days to come.