13. Faith and Growth Development (Part One)

John Westerhoff’s theory of faith development[1] uses the analogy of the growth of a tree and that inside the tree, rings develop. He makes the point that a tree with one ring is as much a tree as a tree with four rings.

Expansion from one style of faith to another is slow and gradual and cannot be rushed.  As a tree grows, it does not eliminate rings, but adds each ring to the ones before, always maintaining all the previous rings as it expands.

Westerhoff’s work is based on significant pastoral observations. It is important to realise that any theory is merely a tool that helps us understand people a little better.  It is not to be used to categorise people. Each stage of faith is a generalisation only.

He begins by suggesting that a child’s first experience of faith will be in the family. The child is secured by his or her parent(s) or significant adults. There is a simple belief by the child that the adult should be trusted and imitated. The authority of the adult is implicit.

The assumption is, “This is what we do. This is how we act.” It is based on experience rather than any well thought out understanding of faith.

Note that this assumption with regard to the authority and influence of parents or caregivers applies whether those adults have a Christian faith or not. Every family operates on the basis of faith in someone or something. In the absence of faith in God, it may be faith in humanity, personal ability, status, money, influence etc

At this childhood stage family traditions and customs occur and children take part because, “this is what we do.” In a Christian family the child may be involved in prayer, sharing Bible stories, attending church all in a predominantly unquestioning way.

Faith is experienced via parents and other significant adults.

Children take on parent’s attitudes, values, and ways of viewing the world, life, and God. At this age belief is based on what children are told – I am who you tell me to be.




[1] Westerhoff, J.H. III. (2000). Will Our Children Have Faith? Morehouse Publishing.